Isaías Blanco is specialist in Data-Driven SEO for eCommerce
brands in and Texas and Florida
Data-Driven SEO for Business +
AI-Powered SEO for selling on Google
The new AI-Powered SEO means Search Engine Intelligence, and its represents the interconnection of Search Marketing, Data Analytics, and Online Sales Development in the AI-Native era under the framework of Data Sciences.

As an Data Strategist and Search Engine Intelligence specialist, my sales formula is designed to solve client problems by explaining how your brand/product/service is the right solution for their needs.
Each project is developed with the most accurate combination of Machine Learning Models, Artificial Intelligence Benchmarks, Business Intelligence, Data Strategies, Data Analytics Culture and Search Engine Optimization benchmarks.
- SEO Specialist since 2007.
- Data Analyst enthusiast since 2012
- AI-Powered Entrepreneur since 2016.

Maybe my name, Isaías Blanco, would sound hard to pronounce in English for you, but I am sure you will never forget how to express your gratitude every time your eCommerce enhances its sales ratio.
Almost two decades in the industry have shown me that the sales ratio on Google is the most relevant indicator for AI-Powered Data-Driven Solutions models. Nonetheless, some vanity metrics, such as user traffic and non-target purchases, represent a direct consequence of the proper sale approach at the precise season of the year.
In each project, I use Lean Analytics Models to audit each corner of my client’s website to increase monthly sales. In media, the broadcaster says that Isaías Blanco’s model englobes from the production line to the distribution channel.